You can discover the illustration made for Polo Ralph Lauren.
I had a small talk about style and my method of creating menswear illustrations connected with the iconic American brand. This interview was for the Polo App.
You can read and discover the full work scrolling down.
Thank Yale Breslin for your time working on this.

You have quite a lot of knowledge about menswear design. What is it about Polo that stands out?
" When I'm walking down the street and I see
somebody wearing Polo, it just feels very
natural. Polo represents simplicity and lets
you feel your best possible self."

You're inspired by your observations of people and life. With the pandemic, how has your
work changed?
" 2021 has been difficult for everyone and
at times it's hard to find inspiration. Looking
at old art, photographs, and even vintage
runway imagery has helped me stay inspired.
More than anything, I take inspiration from
the past--how people used to live, how they
dress, and the trends of the past."

Do you remember the first piece
of Polo you owned?
"It was probably when I was 13. I remember one
special oxford shirt with blue stripes. I wore it
everywhere…. and all the time. I have fond
memories of that shirt."
What is it about Polo clothing
that inspires your art?
" Polo has always been a reference point for me
-creating new characters and actions. The
colors, layers, and style of the clothes help me
develop my illustrations.
I'm most inspired byall things
"preppy," though. I like to imagine
what it was like dressing up for university
when you took care and effort with what you
put on."